Areas suitable for skin prick mesotherapy treatment.

Skin Prick Nutrition and Rejuvenation

These treatments infuse the dermal layer of the skin with a potent cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and anti-oxidants to rejuvenate, revitalise and hydrate the skin, improving its elasticity and tone. Suitable for the face, neck, hands and decollete area.

Treatments are carried out as courses with 2-3 individual maintenance treatments required per year to maintain results.

Mesotherapy for Cellulite and Localised Fat

Mesotherapy is an injectable treatment that is lesser known in the UK but is very popular on the continent. It can help to reduce cellulite and localisied fat. The treatment uses homeopathic products which are injected in small measured amounts just under the skin to help “break down” the cellulite and trapped fat, improving circulation and lymphatic and venous drainage.

Price Guide – Course of Treatment

Treatment Price
Juvederm Hydrate (course of 3)
Resylane Vital (course of 3)
Simildiet Face anti-ageing (course of 4)

Price Guide – Individual Treatments

Treatment Price
Juvederm Hydrate
Resylane Vital
Mesoesthetics Hyalorunic
Simildiet Face anti-ageing
Simildiet Face anti-ageing mini treatment with Ice Mask £50
Simildiet Face anti-ageing mini treatment with 25% Glycolic Acid Masque £120
Simildiet Face anti-ageing mini treatment with Microdermabrasion £110

Treatment Guide

A total of 4-8 treatments may be required depending upon area to be treated

Body (individual areas): £80 per treatment

Face (example: eye bags, chin, neck or jawline): £40 per treatment